Friday, August 17, 2012

SOS Dog Talk YouTube Channel!

Saling's Obedience School has an official YouTube channel

We now have a place to post all the videos we take in class or at shows or even at home. Be sure to check it out and subscribe to the channel:  Please let us know if you have any videos to post. Here is one of the videos!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Check out the awesome Leg Weave that Melissa and Brea can do! Get ready for a neck stretch though, as the video is sideways - oh, come on, it's all a part of the fun. ;-)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Yappy New Year!

Yappy New Year to all the SOS folks! I, for one, am excited about all the great things that will happen this year.

Let's start the year off right with a prayer for animals:
Dear God, you have given us care over all living things; protect and bless the animals who give us companionship and delight, make us their true friends and worthy companions. Amen.
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